The Gut Health & Rosacea Connection: A Radiant Skin Breakthrough. Is Poor Gastrointestinal Health Ruining Your Skin?

Learn how to naturally clear your skin with stunning long-term results by healing the underlying causes of rosacea.

If you have rosacea, you understand how devastating it can be to all aspects of your life. You, like many rosacea patients, may avoid social events, spend hundreds of dollars each month on new “miracle” creams and makeup, and even stop going to the gym for fear of an exercise-induced flare-up.

Despite what your dermatologist may have told you, it doesn’t always have to be this way; new research suggests that gut health and rosacea are intimately connected, and rosacea can often be significantly improved or even reversed by focusing on gut health.1 2

In fact, about 88% of patients with rosacea were also infected with H. pylori, a gut bacteria that is known to play a major part in the development of various gastrointestinal disorders.3

What Is Rosacea?

Aaahhhh, rosacea, that bucket term that has so many faces. There are four types of rosacea:

  • Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea
  • Papulopustular (Acne) rosacea
  • Ocular rosacea
  • Phymatous rosacea

Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory, fairly common, progressive medical condition that affects 14 million people worldwide and an estimated 10% of the population in the USA and UK. 4

According to the ACAD, rosacea is most common in women ages 30-50, who often have fair skin and hair, blue eyes, and are frequently of Celtic or Scandinavian ancestry. Heredity is often a factor as well.

It’s also not uncommon to have multiple classifications of rosacea at the same time; in fact, functional medicine rosacea specialist Dr. Tara O’Desky of The Rosacea Method was diagnosed with erythematotelangiectatic rosacea in her 20s, followed by the addition of papulopustular rosacea in her 30s, and ocular rosacea in her 40s. Phymatous rosacea tends to come about in late-stage rosacea but can occur at any age. 

Common Symptoms of Rosacea

The typical symptoms of rosacea encompass a massive spectrum, ranging from a teen with heat and flushing in her cheeks after a workout to an older adult with a swollen, bulbous, purplish nose. Most often, a patient will notice one or more of the following changes in facial skin:

  • Red Cheeks and/or nose
  • Visible spider veins in cheeks
  • Bumps, papules, or pustules on cheeks or other areas of the face
  • Dryness or sandpaper texture to cheeks 
  • Heat or flushing in cheeks that does not go away quickly
  • Thickening or swelling of the skin, particularly the nose 
  • Eye symptoms such as itching, redness, or dryness

Often, these symptoms appear gradually, but they can increase with age, hormonal or lifestyle changes, stress,  rosacea triggers, and the addition of other health conditions.

When to See a Doctor if You Suspect Rosacea

Since rosacea can often be confused with other medical conditions such as acne, eczema, perioral dermatitis, rashes, and a host of other skin ailments, you should always consult a dermatologist if you notice any concerning changes to your skin. 

What is the Gut Microbiome?

Gut health and rosacea is affected by bad bacteria including: Campylobacter, Enterococcus Faecalis, and Clostridium Difficile which  are often associated with leaky gut, disease, and infection.

Your “gut” is typically 25 feet long, starting at your mouth and ending at the end. This intestinal tract is filled with microbes, typically viruses, bacteria, yeast, and fungi. 

Good Gut Bacteria

Imagine that your gut is a garden. Ideally, you want your garden to have plenty of healthy fruits, herbs, veggies, and very few weeds. We want an abundance of good bacteria in the gut to keep us healthy by warding off illness, producing vitamins, boosting immunity, and protecting against carcinogens! Some examples of good gut bacteria include:

  • Bifidobacteria
  • Escherichia Coli
  • Lactobacilli

Bad Gut Bacteria

It’s normal to have a few “bad” bacteria in the gut (the weeds of the garden). Still, an unhealthy gut is one being overtaken by these harmful bacteria. Bad bacteria are often associated with leaky gut, disease, and infection. An abundance of certain “bad” bacteria can lead to conditions such as SIBO, IBS, or H. pylori. Some examples of bad gut bacteria include:

  • Campylobacter
  • Enterococcus Faecalis
  • Clostridium Difficile

How Do You Clean Your Gut for Rosacea?

✅ Prebiotics & Probiotics for Gut Health and Rosacea

Can probiotics help rosacea? Prebiotics and probiotics can be especially beneficial for maintaining gut health and rosacea.

“Multiple studies have shown the health benefits of consuming probiotics on a regular basis,”

says Dr. O’Desky. “There are also studies linking the use of probiotics to skin health and the improvements patients have seen,5 which is a huge reason why prebiotics and probiotics for gut health and rosacea are discussed at length in my protocol.”

✅ Drink Plenty of Water

One of the ways your gut stays healthy is through the constant cleanse and flush of toxins. Your intestinal tract is one of the significant detoxing pathways, and lack of hydration can lead to constipation and decreased vitamin and nutrient absorption. So drink up! 

✅ Eliminate Fast Food

A significant contributor to poor gut health is fast food and pre-packaged food. This is due to the amount of preservatives, chemicals, and pesticides in these foods. Fast food often comprises GMO ingredients, stabilizers, fillers, chemicals, artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners, and other common toxins that damage your gut and may even cause it to become permeable (leaky gut syndrome) over time.6

✅ Focus on Real Food 

Go back to basics. Start by shopping around the perimeter of your grocery store (not in the aisles, where all the boxed food is kept). Buy fresh organic produce, chicken, beef, fish, and some herbs for flavoring, and make a simple stir-fry or salad. Not only does real food taste amazing, but you may find you’ll eat less when you take the time to cook it yourself!

“Now that I’ve been avoiding problematic foods and incorporating nutrient-dense healing foods, I’m confident that my body knows what to do and will continue to heal,”

says Darlene Bauman, a rosacea patient of Dr. O’Desky.

Making the Gut–Skin Connection:

The chart shows the probable mechanism for association between gut health and rosacea gastrointestinal comorbidities. CeD celiac disease, IBD inflammatory bowel disease, SCFA short chain fatty acids, SIBO small intestine bacterial overgrowth.
Screenshot from the National Library of Medicine database

Gut Health and Rosacea

It’s common for patients to have abdominal symptoms, which can occur as a result of poor gut health and rosacea can worsen. Abdominal symptoms such as IBS, gas, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea are common. But there is also an association between rosacea and gastrointestinal diseases like: 

  • inflammatory bowel disease
  • small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease
  • celiac disease
  • Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection
  • irritable bowel syndrome

We now understand the association between rosacea and poor gut health, specifically in cases of SIBO7, H. pylori8, and other distinct gut flora present in people with rosacea, which differs from the general population.9 

Some studies have also shown that treatment of these conditions can have a positive impact on gut health and rosacea symptoms.10 It’s time we stop treating just the surface of the skin with medications and creams that only work for a short while but don’t really fix underlying issues.

It’s time to tackle the root cause of poor gut health and rosacea instead of just treating the surface-level symptoms. 

Studies of the Skin Microbiota of Patients with Rosacea

“In 2019, I began experimenting with my diet and quickly saw significant changes in my own skin for the first time. In 2021, I created an educational program for rosacea sufferers using what I’d learned from my own experience and backing that protocol with science and research,” says Dr. O’Desky. “Today, I consistently update the protocol as new studies emerge, and the program continues to help hundreds of people address their gut health and rosacea flare-ups naturally.”

Here are two notable studies discussing the link between gut health and rosacea:

  • At this time, we know that there is a high likelihood that the development of rosacea is associated with H. pylori, IBD, and SIBO11
  • Studies show that prebiotics and probiotics can effectively treat chronic inflammatory rosacea.12

Underlying Causes of Rosacea

Researchers continue to be mystified by rosacea and what is actually causing it because it often “appears out of nowhere,” and there is currently no cure. Or is there?

So… can gut issues cause rosacea? 

We now know with certainty that there is a direct link between gut health and rosacea; however, poor gut health alone will not cause rosacea. 

This could be because rosacea is a common link between other factors such as toxic exposures, histamine intolerance, genetics, celiac disease, Crohn’s, and many other health conditions that are just now being explored.13 Regardless of the particular causes of your poor gut health and rosacea symptoms, starting a rosacea diet will pave the way for clear skin in the future. (Always talk to your doctor before making any changes to your diet).

Foods That May Heal Rosacea From the Inside Out:

What deficiencies cause rosacea?

Since many people with rosacea have been avoiding certain “flare” foods for some time, they can quickly become limited to a small, bland diet that lacks nutrition.

🟢 Omega-3 Rich Foods

Studies have shown that incorporating foods with omega-3 fatty acids can help inhibit inflammatory pathways and decrease dry eye symptoms14, which are usual with ocular rosacea. 

Good options for high omega-3 foods include:

  • walnuts 
  • flaxseed
  • chia seeds
  • cauliflower 

🟢 Gut Healing Foods

Rather than taking a handful of random supplements that have been “recommended” for gut health and rosacea, you may find it’s much more effective to focus initially on healing your gut. This way, when you take a high-quality supplement, it can be broken down properly and absorbed by your gut. 

Some of the most gut-healing foods include:

  • Coconut milk/coconut water (unsweetened)
  • Bone broth
  • Herbal mint tea

🟢 Fiber

Evidence shows that a high-fiber diet is extremely helpful in promoting gut health, decreasing overall inflammation, and possibly preventing ailments such as allergies, arthritis, and colitis.15 Since the body cannot break down fiber, it must be metabolized in the colon, which naturally increases probiotic activity, specifically in lactobacillus and bifidobacteria populations.16  

One mistake people often make with fiber supplementation is upping their fiber intake without increasing water intake, leading to significant constipation and worsening symptoms. 

Some fiber-rich foods include:

  • Black Beans 
  • Peas
  • Raspberries

Inflammatory Foods That Risk Rosacea Flare-ups

🛑 Alcohol

Alcohol is not only harmful to your gut microbiome. It’s a drug that causes your heart rate to increase and your blood to pump more quickly. Your circulatory system (arteries and veins) cannot always keep up with this increase. With increased alcohol intake, veins can become damaged with the formation of varicose veins and spider veins. Keep alcohol intake to a minimum, if at all! 

🛑 Spicy Foods

A diverse, colorful diet is vital for optimal health, but if you turn red with each Mexican feast, try to avoid exceptionally spicy foods such as cayenne peppers, hot sauce, and red peppers. Instead, choose flavorful herbs and spices that naturally support your gut and liver but don’t bring unnecessary heat to your face.

🛑 Coffee

Today’s “coffee” is a distant relative from the coffee our grandparents drank! Sadly, coffee beans today are grown covered in pesticides and are frequently contaminated with mold, mycotoxins, and yeast. Ground coffee is often bulked up with fillers, flavors, and colorants.

Now add the cream, artificial sweeteners, and more flavors, and you’re left with a high-calorie, high-caffeine, highly toxic concoction far from the original beverage. Try switching to herbal tea, matcha green tea, or at least grind and brew your coffee yourself!

The Bottom Line:

Focus on Your Gut Health and Rosacea Symptoms Can Drastically Improve. 

Years ago, it was unheard of to blame chronic skin conditions on poor gut health. These days, we know better.

Mounting research supports the undeniable link between the gut microbiome and the health of your entire body, including your skin. 

Rosacea, in particular, has been exceedingly difficult to treat. Yet, treatment for rosacea does respond positively when focusing on the gut, such as antibiotics and probiotics. 

It’s time we focus on this connection and adopt a multifaceted approach to treatment, which includes addressing the gut microbiome first and foremost. 

If you’ve been diagnosed with rosacea and nothing you’ve tried has worked, there is still hope! Consider focusing on gut health, the foundation of all health, as a starting point.

FAQs on Gut Health and Rosacea

Q: Is Rosacea Caused by a Gut Imbalance?

A: Some cases of rosacea can be directly linked to gut issues such as H. pylori and SIBO. Studies have found that treatment of these gut issues can often help decrease rosacea symptoms.17 However, rosacea is likely caused by more than one underlying factor, which is why gut healing alone is usually not enough to reverse rosacea. 

Q: Can Probiotics Help Rosacea?

A: Multiple studies have shown the health benefits of consuming probiotics on a regular basis, and there are also studies linking the use of probiotics to skin health and the improvements patients have seen.

Q: What Gut Bacteria is Associated With Rosacea?

A: Several strains of gut bacteria are associated with rosacea, one being H. pylori which has been documented in numerous studies. In one particular study of 180 participants, nearly half of the rosacea group tested positive for the bacteria, while only 27% of the control group did.18 However, data is somewhat conflicting regarding the treatment of H. pylori in rosacea patients and whether or not rosacea symptoms improve after treatment. 

Bottom line: since rosacea is so multifaceted, you may see an improvement in your symptoms by focusing on obvious gut issues, but ultimately you’ll need to address all aspects of your health to get to the bottom of your rosacea.

Q: What is the potential gut-skin axis and its association with rosacea?

A: The potential gut-skin axis refers to the association between the gut and skin health. Recent research suggests a possible link between gut health and rosacea symptoms worsening.

Q: Is there a comorbidity between gut health and rosacea causing gastrointestinal issues?

A: Studies have shown rosacea is associated with many gastrointestinal conditions, which indicates a comorbidity. The exact nature of this relationship is still being explored.

Q: How important is the gut health and rosacea pathogenesis?

A: The gut is believed to be important in the pathogenesis of rosacea. Research indicates that gut health may play a role in the development and progression of rosacea.

Q: What is the potential treatment for gut health and rosacea-related symptoms?

A: There is ongoing research into potential treatments that focus on improving gut health and rosacea. This may involve dietary changes, probiotics, and other gut-focused interventions.

Q: Is there a common feature between gut health and rosacea-related gastrointestinal conditions?

A: Yes, a common feature between rosacea and gastrointestinal conditions has been identified in some studies, suggesting a potential link between the two. 

Q: Are there any studies supporting the potential gut-skin axis in improving poor gut health and rosacea symptoms?

Q: What is the association between intestinal homeostasis, gut health, and rosacea?

A: There is an association between gut health and rosacea as well as the homeostasis within the intestine, indicating that the balance of the gut microbiota may play a role in rosacea. This association is an area of active research.

Q: How does the gut-skin axis affect the adaptive immune response in rosacea?

A: The potential gut-skin axis may influence the adaptive immune response in rosacea. This suggests that the immune system’s response is impacted by individuals with poor gut health and rosacea.

Q: Are digital resources available for learning about the gut-skin axis and its relation to poor gut health and rosacea?

A: Yes, digital resources such as Google Scholar and academic journals provide information on the gut-skin axis and its potential connection to poor gut health and rosacea. These resources can be valuable for staying updated on the latest research.

Q: How can one improve gut health and rosacea symptoms simultaneously?

A: Improving gut health and rosacea through dietary changes, probiotics, and other interventions may improve rosacea symptoms. It is highly recommended to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.


  1. Szlachcic A. The link between Helicobacter pylori infection and rosacea. J EurAcad Dermatol Venereol. 2002;16(4):328–333. doi:10.1046/j.1468-3083.2002.00497.x. 
  2. Egeberg A., Weinstock L.B., Thyssen E.P., Gislason G.H., Thyssen J.P. Rosacea and gastrointestinal disorders: A population-based cohort study. Br. J. Dermatol. 2017;176:100–106. doi: 10.1111/bjd.14930.
  3. Gether L, Overgaard LK, Egeberg A, Thyssen JP. Incidence and prevalence of rosacea: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Br J Dermatol. 2018 Aug;179(2):282-289. doi: 10.1111/bjd.16481. Epub 2018 May 31. PMID: 29478264.
  4. Szántó M, Dózsa A, Antal D, Szabó K, Kemény L, Bai P. Targeting the gut-skin axis—Probiotics as new tools for skin disorder management? Experimental Dermatology. 2019;28(11):1210-1218. doi:10.1111/exd.14016
  5. Effect of glutamine on Th1 and Th2 cytokine responses of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. WK Chang, KD Yang, and MF Shaio. U.S. National Library of Medicine. 1999
  6. Parodi A, Paolino S, Greco A, et al. Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth in Rosacea: Clinical Effectiveness of Its Eradication. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 2008;6(7):759-764. doi:10.1016/j.cgh.2008.02.054
  7. Yang X. Relationship between Helicobacter pylori and Rosacea: review and discussion. BMC Infect Dis. 2018;18. doi:10.1186/s12879-018-3232-4
  8. Ellis SR, Nguyen M, Vaughn AR, et al. The Skin and Gut Microbiome and Its Role in Common Dermatologic Conditions. Microorganisms. 2019;7(11). doi:10.3390/microorganisms7110550
  9. Szántó M, Dózsa A, Antal D, Szabó K, Kemény L, Bai P. Targeting the gut-skin axis—Probiotics as new tools for skin disorder management? Experimental Dermatology. 2019;28(11):1210-1218. doi:10.1111/exd.14016
  10. Mahmud, M. R., Akter, S., Tamanna, S. K., Mazumder, L., Esti, I. Z., Banerjee, S., et al. (2022). Impact of gut microbiome on skin health: gut-skin axis observed through the lenses of therapeutics and skin diseases. Gut Microbes 14:2096995. doi: 10.1080/19490976.2022.2096995
  11. Buianova I, Girnyk G, Senyshyn N, Hepburn IS. Gut-skin connection: role of intestinal biome in rosacea. Ame J Gastroenterol. 2018;113(Supplement):S126. doi:10.14309/00000434-201810001-00216.
  12. Weiss E, Katta R. Diet and rosacea: the role of dietary change in the management of rosacea. Dermatol Pract Concept. 2017;7(4):31-37. doi:10.5826/dpc.0704a08
  13. Bhargava R, Kumar P, Kumar M, Mehra N, Mishra A. A randomized controlled trial of omega-3 fatty acids in dry eye syndrome. Int J Ophthalmol. 2013;6(6):811-816. doi:10.3980/j.issn.2222-3959.2013.06.13
  14. Salem I, Ramser A, Isham N, Ghannoum MA. The gut microbiome as a major regulator of the gut-skin axis. Front Microbiol. 2018;9:1459. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2018.01459. 
  15. Graf D, Di Cagno R, Fåk F, Flint HJ, Nyman M, Saarela M, Watzl B. Contribution of diet to the composition of the human gut microbiota. Microb Ecol Health Dis. 2015;26:26164. doi:10.3402/mehd.v26.26164.
  16. Polkowska‐Pruszyńska B, Gerkowicz A, Krasowska D. The gut microbiome alterations in allergic and inflammatory skin diseases – an update. J EurAcad Dermatol Venereol. 2019;34(3):455–464. doi:10.1111/jdv.15951.
  17. Benhadou F, Mintoff D, Schnebert B, Thio H. Psoriasis and microbiota: a systematic review. Diseases. 2018;6(2):47. doi:10.3390/diseases6020047.
  18. Gravina A, Federico A, Ruocco E, et al. Helicobacter pylori infection but not small intestinal bacterial overgrowth may play a pathogenic role in rosacea. United European Gastroenterol J. 2015;3(1):17-24.


This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Tara O’Desky nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

Hands holding stomach over jeans. Gut Health and Rosacea Image
  1. Deborah McNulty says:

    Can you recommend a high quality prebiotic and probiotic? There are so many on the market to choose from but I want to make sure I get the right one. Thank you

  2. Jack says:

    This is great info! If you focus on healing your gut, will rosacea definitely improve?

    • Tara O'Desky says:

      Not necessarily, because there are so many factors when it comes to rosacea. However, gut health is the foundation of all health, so focus on that first and then consider joining my program to learn more about what else is going on!

  3. Erin says:

    Thank you Tara and Co for this helpful article on gut health and Rosecea

  4. Maria P. says:

    Should I do allergy testing?

    • Tara O'Desky says:

      Not necessarily. We find that allergy testing is not always accurate, and our cleanse protocol is actually much more effective at determining food allergies, intolerances and sensitivities!

  5. Caitlyn Woods says:

    All of this information looks great! This is the first time I have read something that actually seems like it would heal my rosacea naturally🤍🤍🤍

  6. Eva Waddell says:

    What an incredible article! Extremely detailed and to the point. Very helpful. Thank you so much Tara!

  7. Kenzie Coleman says:

    This is so helpful! I wish I’d been informed of this connection YEARS ago when I was diagnosed! I’d love to do the Rosacea Method!

  8. Nick says:

    Hi I’m 24 and have been struggling with rosacea for 8 years. I have recently come across your website and would love to try your program!

  9. Jarelies Dejesus says:

    Thank you thank you, for this helpful article on gut health/ Rosacea! I have had rosacea now for about 5 years and have been diving deep into the information you provide before starting your program!

  10. Cherish Bencko says:

    I was diagnosis with rosacea almost 2 years ago and it’s been a battle. This year I have decided to focus on actually healing instead of concealing!! And healing my gut is a big thing! All of this info is super helpful! Thank you ❤️

  11. Christine Cloaninger says:

    Thanks so much for all of this!! I’ve read that bone broth can be inflammatory but i also know it heals the gut. Can you explain why this might be? Thanks so much!

    • Tara O'Desky says:

      Bone broth is high in histamine, but it’s SO healing for the gut. I decided to throw caution to the wind and focus on healing my gut, regardless of flareups. And the results have changed my life.

  12. Melissa Mendez says:

    I would interested in reading more about probiotics.

  13. Lena Germann says:

    I just want to thank you for All your work and looking over the imagined line (like school medicine unfortunately does until today in many topics)!

  14. Maja says:

    I follow and try to change something and get better….

  15. Lesley says:

    Any correlation between sour dough bread and rosacea? I use all organic but I’m starting to think this is a big trigger for me? Is it the histamine?

  16. Becky Diamond says:

    Happy Birthday!! And seriously, thank you 🙏🏼 for all of this amazing information you’ve shared over the years. The new website and blog layouts are so nice, really easy to read.

  17. Petro says:

    It’s so refreshing to see someone advocating for addressing the root cause, and offering real solutions,
    rather than just repeating the ‘sticking plaster’ approach which seems to be so prevalent. Great work and very encouraging for long suffering rosacea patients! Thank you.

  18. Camie Gray says:

    I’m sure my gut is the source of my roseca I just get lost on how to heal my gut( so much conflictimg information. . Great article. I would love to be a part of your program ❤️

  19. Mithila says:

    Fantastic blog post and so informative.

  20. Maria says:

    What an insightful and informative article this is . It truly gives an explanation how things are connected. I truly appreciate this post as it gives us guidance and hope for those that have rosacea!!

  21. Concepción Rodríguez says:

    I just started to try gluten free diet since a pair of weeks, making my own bread, the taste was good but a little bit dry …just keep trying….

  22. Mary says:

    Finding you and the information you provide gave me so much hope when I was diagnosed a few weeks ago. I was so upset but found you and became so hopeful. Can’t wait to take your course!

  23. Ananya says:

    Your blogs are so informative!
    I have been suffering from rosacea for 2-3 years now and I’m only 21. It’s become severe very recently and I’ve tried all the antibiotics and creams but nothing seems to be working. I was hoping I could share a picture of my skin and get your feedback. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks !

  24. Ananya says:

    Your blogs are so informative!
    I have been suffering from rosacea for 2-3 years now and I’m only 21. It’s become severe very recently and I’ve tried all the antibiotics and creams but nothing seems to be working. I was hoping I could share a picture of my skin and get your feedback. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks so much

  25. Brooke says:

    Thank you for this information! Still trying to figure out where to start in combatting my rosacea and this is really helpful insight into the gut aspect.

  26. Meri says:

    You always enlighten us with your detailed articles, Tara, thank you very much for this special information. There were many things that I was not aware of and found in myself!

  27. Kat says:

    Such good information ! I have tried all the usual treatments, drugs, laser, expensive serums. I need to focus on diet now to see if I can improve my rosacea. 💗💗

  28. Liette says:

    Great article .. I have always known it was a gut issue.. just didn’t want to give up my yogurt. Now I’m glad I did. And thanks for the potential birthday win.

  29. Bridget Yelton says:

    I love everything about this. It’s truly amazing how everything is connected. I could not have healed my acne/rosacea if it weren’t for your program and your kind support. You are the best! Happy Birthday!!

  30. Eva says:

    Very informative article – thanks from Germany 🇩🇪

  31. Lavinia says:

    Right now I’m having a flush, hot red cheeks, regretting the food choices I’ve made:) Grateful for your existence!

  32. Sharron says:

    Excellent information! Thank you!

  33. Justine says:

    I was diagnosed with Rosacea in September. Since then I’ve gone all in with researching, and that is how I came across your page. I’ve often felt I wasn’t the healthiest internally. Reading your posts have me so intrigued to learn more!

  34. Matilda says:

    Thank you for creating such a well-researched post! The gut-skin connection is soooo strong- I’ve already seen progress since beginning my gut healing journey 💛

  35. Ajla says:

    I love your blogs! I am extremely happy I found out about you! I am in the beggining of my journey with my rosacea and with all the informations your are giving us its really helpful for me! Thank you !!

  36. Caroline says:

    Wishing you a happy Birthday from Belgium. I am following you for a couple of months now and I want to thank you for the hope you have given me that rosacea can heal. I have made some changes in my diet and see results. I notice that stress is a major trigger for me. Is this something you work on in your program?

  37. Colleen K says:

    I’d love to start your program, some skincare has helped me, but I know I need to get to the root cause to see full healing. I know it starts with gut health. Looking into lemon (& ginger?) water to start.

  38. Alissa Brown says:

    This article is so helpful! I got food poisoning 18mos ago and about 3 months later, I started having flushing and redness. I have implemented some of these tips and it’s helped but the redness is still there. Wondering if I need to do more testing on my gut health. Thank you!

  39. Charlotte says:

    I have changed my diet but struggling with consistency, is it ok to have slip ups? Love your blog and information xx

  40. Holly M. says:

    Excellent article! So informative! I feel as if I am one of those “doing everything right” with foods, triggers that I have removed, etc. My rosacea has now traveled and almost relocated primarily to my nose (ugh).
    Do you recommend a specific test to test for both SIBO & H. Pylori?

    • Tara O'Desky says:

      I too used to do “everything right” and my rosacea only got worse! For my program, we actually tell participants to hold off on testing because often our cleanse protocol is extremely effective, and testing often leads to more testing and more expenses. We suggest participants do specific testing after following our protocol and not seeing results (very rare!)

  41. Kelly S. says:

    I first noticed my rosacea at age 22 when I moved to a much dryer climate. Red cheeks and a couple of tiny burst blood vessels on the end of my nose. I notice when I cut dairy the redness goes right down!

  42. Emilie says:

    Tara is the best. If youre hesitating on doing her program, dont. Its the real answer to all your questions and your drawers full of creams that did nothing.

  43. Julia says:

    Thank you for all the info you provide. I’ve started having lemon water every morning as you recommended, have eliminated plug in from my home and I’m eating a cleaner diet. I hope to eventually have clear skin, just working my way to cleaner living.

  44. Kaylin Bantock says:

    Love this! Such a wealth of information. Would love to learn more!

  45. Anna says:

    Your before and after photos give me hope! I have been working on my gut health for the past year, but seem to be missing something since I have not improved a whole lot. I seem to have high histamine levels and I’m trying to pin point why. Any comments on histamine?

    • Tara O'Desky says:

      Histamine intolerance is actually a symptom of poor gut health, so you may be missing a food allergy or something else going on in your gut! Once you address this, high histamine foods should not be an issue for you.

  46. Kim* says:

    Aloha, I recently got diagnosed with Rosacea. I went to a dermatologist because i had a growth on my nose when she told me the news. I just
    thought my face was always red from the sun. I just started following you. I just read that spicey foods trigger. I’m trying to make some changes. Is Kim Chee not good to eat?

    • Tara O'Desky says:

      Hi Kim, the good news is you were diagnosed, so now you can start making changes! Remember, spicy foods can cause a flare up, but avoiding them will not heal your rosacea! Focus on internal healing!

  47. Ana says:

    This is amazing, totally think food is a key in here and with so many doctors saying different things is hard to understand. We are a whole body and a unique machine, guess our gas will be different. So interesting

    • Tara O'Desky says:

      Food is definitely a key piece, and unfortunately we are often told to eat the WRONG foods, even by nutritionists. Stores are full of chemical fake foods, and once you learn what to eat, your body can begin to heal!

  48. Michelle Fallon says:

    Happy Birthday Dr. Tara! Love your page and all its insights into how we can naturally treat Rosacea! I’ve just finished up work on maternity leave and my skin has really cleared. I’ve also recently become for the most part gluten free which is helping. I’m still on the sugar buzz though.. It needs more work! Would you say stress has a factor in flare ups?

    • Tara O'Desky says:

      Stress is definitely a factor! Ideally when your body is really healthy and free of toxins and functioning well, stress will NOT cause a flare up. If you need more help, don’t hesitate to join my program!

  49. Anna Fernández says:

    Thank you so much for all that you do. You’ve changed my life!!

  50. Emma says:

    I have had Rosacea for several years, read a lot of information but this is so clear and easy to read and helpful! Thank you! I also love the hope you give me and people that it can be healed naturally.

  51. Camie Gray says:

    This is great knowledge. I would love to be picked for the rosacea Method giveaway and he’s my liver and gut. I’ve tried on my own and have not been successful.

  52. Mithila says:

    This blog is so helpful and informative. I find all your blogs as well as the stories and posts on Instagram are so helpful. Really hope one day I can join the program.

  53. Linnea Ekbom says:

    So interesting, i learn so much of just reading your articles here! It helped me a lot. 🙏❤️

  54. Rose Dean says:

    So thankful for the information you share! It can be so discouraging when you’re told “there is no cure”, but you are showing and sharing that it’s simply not true. The gut connection is HUGE and yet no one talks about it!

  55. Gloria Nikolic says:

    After consistently hearing “there’s no cure” I consume any information you offer on here and your social media! I hope to take the entire program soon. Thank you for the life-changing work you do 😊🌹

  56. Maya says:

    Leap year is the year we heal ❤️

  57. Anne says:

    This information is so important! Thank you for sharing the research 💛

  58. Thank you for the opportunity to learn and grow from your experience and guidance, it’s priceless !! as no one commentate this clearly as you are. Thank you again! You are the Best!

  59. Jennifer Vedder says:

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. It is so powerful and generous.

  60. Brandi says:

    Thank you for your valuable information.

  61. Nicole says:

    So informative in understanding the connection, Excited to have found the rosacea method.

  62. Nina Nikodinova says:

    Great article!

  63. After this Christmas holidays I want to fix my rosacea!!!

  64. Jamie says:

    I have been working my on my gut health for years and was recently diagnosed with rosacea. There clearly is a missing link for me somewhere. I would love to take your program and get to the root of it.

  65. Stephanie says:

    So grateful to have found you Tara. Your resources are a big help. Keeping my fingers crossed for your giveaway 🤞

  66. Karen Ellis says:

    Man I needed all this today! Every derm tells me the complete opposite!! Thank you

  67. Tahlia Elman says:

    Great article ! Thanks for all the helpful info :). I’m considering trying the program in the new year !

  68. Maryellen says:

    So encouraging to see someone talk about the links between gut and skin health. I feel empowered knowing there’s things I can do to affect my body and my skin.

  69. Lucy L says:

    Such an informative article, and great to have some evidence based research included. Working through trying to include some of the tips as much as I can!

  70. Gurmit Chana says:

    A very interesting read! Thank you 🙏🏻

  71. Alana says:

    Ive had acne rosacea for 2 years now, have always had perfect skin before that. Ive spent so much money on products, dermatologists, naturopaths I’ve tried everything!!! Im just about to turn 39 and would just love to have the last year in my 30s not looking like an acne covered teenager. Been from the other side of the world the price for your method is a little pricey (conversion rate ahh) so i would just love love love to have the chance to win your giveaway!

  72. Han says:

    Can teens also have rosacea

  73. Zana says:

    I also believe there is a deep connection between the gut and the skin. Thank you for this great information.

  74. Daphne says:

    I am 44 and was just diagnosed with Rosacea. I found your instagram oage and have been obsessively reading and watching as much as I can from you about how to heal from the inside. Thank you for the hard work you’ve put into all.of this information!

  75. Hanna says:

    So much useful information, that is so different from what other doctors are saying. Thank you Dr.Tara 🥹

    My rosacea started after I left my country Ukraine in 2022 because of war. And my overall health is worse and worse… I haven’t felt such stress as last three years. And because of stress I eat many rubbish food, or just eat much to hide from emotions. And for now I gained 20kg, I’ve got rosacea. And for sure inside of my body everything is not okey.

    Thank you again. Now I’m learning totally different information from you. And finally I have a hope to fix my life. Because all those restrictions from dermatologists made me more stressful, than helpful 🥲

  76. Marion says:

    Thank you for such a great article which is so well sourced!

  77. Jackie says:

    I didn’t realize how connected to the gut rosacea is! Thanks for all this great info, I’m always looking to broaden my scope of knowledge….. and gain different perspective on skin conditions.

  78. Emily says:

    The connection between gut health and rosacea is fascinating! It’s amazing how addressing internal factors, like diet and probiotics, can have such a positive impact on skin health. Thank you for shedding light on this holistic approach!

  79. Amber Juniper says:

    This article was so informative and helpful! I’ve had rosacea for 8 years and no one ever talks about how your gut is a huge factor for rosacea and just your overall health! Each article I read is so helpful! Thank you!

  80. Lily says:

    This is great info! I feel for me eating Whole Foods and finding your triggers is so important!

  81. Maelyn Loch says:

    I have the vascular type of rosacea with blood vessels on my cheeks and nose. Will dietary changes help to reduce/reverse this type of rosacea?

  82. Sabrina Le says:

    Hello Dr. Tara! Amazing information! I wish I would have done your program first. It’s definitely a dream of mine. ❤️ I pray that one day I’m able to do it.

  83. Lisa Prater says:

    I had no idea probiotics would be so beneficial. There is so much info out there and you’re not sure what to believe as far as taking supplements if you’re wasting your money or not so I loved this information

  84. Giorgia says:

    Thank you for all the help information Dr Tara! I love coffee, and I have a couple of cups per day, but didn’t consider that the coffee beans had chemicals on them that could be contributing to my inflammation. Really going to try and focus on my gut microbiome to calm my skin.

  85. Tami Hurst says:

    You commented earlier about probiotics. What are soil based probiotics? Also, what is the recommended daily amount for rosacea and for your gut?

  86. Karen L says:

    Thank you for this information. While I am unable to doors your program at this time, I am gathering information and learning all that I can until then. Cant wait to read more on your blog. It’s crazy how many doctors do not know this information and/or don’t want to test for possible causes.

  87. Gloria says:

    Dr. Tara, thank you for all you do to shed light on rosacea and how to heal from it! I have tried all that I can glean from your instagram and am hoping to further my healing journey with full access to your method! I hope I am selected. My rosacea has good days and bad. I am ready to be fully healed! Thank you.

  88. Sam A says:

    I’ve just had a GI map done and found out I have H pylori and my balance of good / bad bacteria is way off. I’ve started the process of healing but feeling disheartened when my skin still flares and I feel like I’m doing all the right things. Do you think healing the gut can take a long time? What was your experience?
    I love your content BTW

    • Tara O'Desky says:

      Gut health is important, but when it comes to rosacea it’s only once small piece of the puzzle. But it’s a start! You can join my program to learn ALL you need to know!

  89. Inma says:

    This valuable formation should be spread!
    (I’d love to participate in your give-away)

  90. Christina Stoffers says:

    I got rosacea after noticing gut issues. I’ve tried so many things to help, but I truly feel like my missing piece is mold detox + unprocessed emotional wounds. I’d really love to try your rosacea protocol!

  91. Fanny says:

    I absolutely love all the blog posts. It’s so encouraging to see that there is hope for natural healing. It’s juste what I need.

  92. Jéssica says:

    Amazing information! I really wanted to have all the information of the program to better deal with this problem

  93. Misty Thompson says:

    So much information. Thank you so much!

  94. Brittany Jacobson says:

    Very informative post!! Would love to try the program!

  95. Patricia Fridefors says:

    Thank you for all the informative blog-posts! Whats your opinion on home made milk kefir for healing the gut? I know dairy is not recommended in the healing phase but would it still be okay as it is a fermented food?

  96. Kristi W. says:

    But how do we know if we have any of those gut issues? Are there tests that we should be asking for?

  97. Naama says:

    I’ve been struggling with rosacea for a few years, and finding the right treatment has been a challenge. Dr. Tara O’Desky’s expertise gives me hope for clearer, healthier skin! I’d love the opportunity to try this treatment and share my journey. Thank you for this amazing opportunity! 🌿✨

  98. Ashley says:

    This information is so very helpful, I feel that there is hope to resolving this awful condition.

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Ready to Heal your Rosacea Naturally?

Learn More About Me

20 years of rosacea

Since developing her own holistic healing program, she has helped countless patients of all ages with
  • rosacea
  • chronic skin issues
  • gut issues
  • food sensitivities
  • inflammatory conditions

Dr. O'Desky continues to practice in the US A and also sees patients via Telehealth. She currently offers various programs and workshops for clients all over the world dealing with chronic health issues, poor gut health, and  rosacea. 

After 20 years of ineffective treatments and medications, Dr. O'Desky reversed her rosacea 100% through dietary changes and food-based medicine.

Health Coach & Holistic Skin Expert

Dr. Tara O'Desky

After 20 years of ineffective treatments and medications, Dr. O'Desky reversed her rosacea 100% through dietary and lifestyle changes.

Since developing her own holistic healing program, 
The Rosacea Method, she has helped countless patients of all ages with:
  • rosacea
  • chronic skin issues
  • gut health
  • food sensitivities
  • inflammatory conditions

Dr. O'Desky continues to see patients in private practice in the USA and also sees clients via Telehealth. She currently offers various programs and workshops for people all over the world dealing with chronic health issues, poor gut health, and rosacea. 

Health Coach and Holistic Skin Expert

Meet Dr. Tara O'Desky

-L. M.

"I want to say thank you so much for the program!

I never feel hungry anymore. My diet has opened up a ton and I feel really healthy and excited learning that there’s so many things I can eat now that are healthy and tasty. I felt good through the entire cleanse and my skin has definitely improved."


"I felt so hopeless and I could not see light at the end of the tunnel. Now I have hope again and I feel more positive about my situation overall! Yes it can definitely heal, I have so so sure others heal! This program is great, I feel like It covers everything! Thank you! "

-Darlene B

"For the first time in 6 years, I feel like I have been given a clear direction to go in that will actually heal my skin. There's so much guess work that comes along with skin complications and Tara helps to clear all that up.Recommend 1000%."

Rosacea Method Client Testimonial
